(* Equal Contribution)
Honors and Awards
- Comprehensive Excellent Scholarship (综合优秀奖学金) at Tsinghua University, 2023,2021,2019.
- Excellent undergraduate thesis (本科优秀毕业论文) at Tsinghua University, 2021.
- Excellent graduates (本科优良毕业生) at Tsinghua University, 2021.
Academic Services
Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS-25, ICCV-25, ICML-25, CVPR-25, ICLR-25, WACV-25, NeurIPS-24, IJCAI-24
Journal Reviewer: IEEE TIP
More About Me
I currently serve as the T.A. of the undergraduate course "Fundamentals of Programming" (程序设计基础), which is taught by Prof. Yu-Shen Liu. I am also serving as an undergraduate advisor (本科生辅导员) at School of Software.
My hobbies include playing the flute, running, and singing. Feel free to contact me!