Wenyuan Zhang | 张文源

I am currently a third-year Ph.D student in School of Software, Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Yu-Shen Liu. I got my bachelor's degree from School of Software, Tsinghua University in 2021.

My research interests lie in the area of 3D computer vision and grapics, especially in multi-view neural rendering, 3D reconstruction and scene understanding.

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(* Equal Contribution)

Learning Unsigned Distance Functions from Multi-view Images with Volume Rendering Priors
Wenyuan Zhang, Kanle Shi, Yu-Shen Liu, Zhizhong Han
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024
project page | arXiv | code

We present a novel differentiable renderer to infer UDFs from multi-view images. Instead of using hand-crafted equations, our differentiable renderer is a neural network which is pre-trained in a data-driven manner, dubbed volume rendering priors.

Differentiable Registration of Images and LiDAR Point Clouds with VoxelPoint-to-Pixel Matching
Junsheng Zhou*, Baorui Ma*, Wenyuan Zhang, Yi Fang, Yu-Shen Liu, Zhizhong Han
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023 (Spotlight)
arXiv | code

We design a triplet network to learn VoxelPoint-to-Pixel matching via a differentiable probabilistic PnP solver.

Fast Learning Radiance Fields by Shooting Much Fewer Rays
Wenyuan Zhang, Ruofan Xing, Yunfan Zeng, Yu-Shen Liu, Kanle Shi, Zhizhong Han
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2023
project page | arXiv | code

We introduce a general strategy to speed up the learning procedure for almost all radiance fields based methods. The key idea is to reduce the redundancy by shooting much fewer rays in the multi-view volume rendering procedure.

Honors and Awards
  • Comprehensive Excellent Scholarship (综合优秀奖学金) at Tsinghua University, 2023,2021,2019.
  • Excellent undergraduate thesis (本科优秀毕业论文) at Tsinghua University, 2021.
  • Excellent graduates (本科优良毕业生) at Tsinghua University, 2021.
Academic Services
  • Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS-2025, IJCAI-2024
More About Me
  • I currently serve as the T.A. of the undergraduate course "Fundamentals of Programming" (程序设计基础), which is taught by Prof. Yu-Shen Liu. I am also serving as an undergraduate advisor (本科生辅导员) at School of Software. My hobbies include playing the flute, running, and singing. Feel free to contact me!

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Last updated: July 2024